Sunday, January 28, 2007

Fed UP!!!!!!!

I am fed up with the fact that people think all bikers are criminals. I've raised two kids, have a beautiful wife, a great job and I have become a pillar of my community. Just because I choose to wear black leather, earrings, and a doo rag, I'm a bad guy. SOOOOOO wrong!!!! How is it that just because I want to express my freedom and get closer to God in my own way, I am a bad guy? If people would realize that the modern day biker is out to help, not hurt, our community then, and only then, would they understand me, my brothers and my sisters. Before you pass judgement take a minute to realize that today's biker maybe your doctor, your lawyer, law enforcement, a judge, a teacher, and all those who protect and have offered to give our own lives to make this country a better place. Don't judge us by what we do or how we look. As a matter of face, don't judge us at all! Take a minute and talk to us and find out who we really are. And then your perception of what we do, how we live, and how we express ourselves may become more clear. Remember, most of us have served our country, our community and our family. We are not here to hurt, we are here to help. So just as you would support anyone else who is trying to strengthen our community, give us a wave 'cause we are working for you, NOT against you.

May God bless and keep.....
Raw Dawg


Kellie said...

Cool blog! Randall you show all of them that bikers are good guys and gals. Kellie

sportybobsmom said...

good for you, about time people realize how great bikers are sporty bobs mom

Sporty Bob's niece said...

RAW DAWG keep the word moving, someday someone will hear us, and maybe see us as friend and not as the bad guy.

Teri said...

Keep it up Randall! Hopefully it will be read and educated some ignorant people! I think this would be an awesome place for Sporty Bob's niece to post the poem she wrote in Memory of Sporty Bob. It summed it up beautifully and I don't think it could have been stated better!!!