Sunday, March 4, 2007

Rememdering a Dear Friend

Sporty Bob... Gone but never forgotten.

I think back alot and remember the wet kisses, the strong hugs, the I love yous, from a man who accepted everyone who ever gave him a chance. A man who served his country and his community. A man who made us laugh till we cried, and in his own way brought each of us closer together. The 5Th of march will always be Sporty's day to those who loved him and in some way it will be a special day to all of those who ever came in contact with Sporty, whether they realize it or not.
To all of those who surrounded him, it is OK to miss a very dear friend. Sporty would have wanted us all to celebrate his life, not mourn his death.. So on the 5Th of March, gather with those who mean the most to you and pop the top on that Miller Lite, hold it high and remember a man who touched everyone he came in contact with, a true Beach Legend, SPORTY BOB
To Sporty....... We Love and Miss You

The Raw Dawg